Thursday, October 3, 2013


The nature of Sex Addiction is long debated in the media, and amongst researchers and therapists. Due to unsatisfying scientific assessment results, the criteria of sexual addiction did not suffice to be added to the new DSM volume five. Hence, the acceptance of sexual addiction disorder is still looming.

On the first of October 2013, SBS Insight televised an interesting and controversial discussion round, debating the topic of sexual addiction behaviour. A strong sense of 'sex addicts lack responsibility, and use sex addiction as an excuse,' prevailed.

Why this may be true for some individuals, who are unlikely to be sex addicts, a majority of sexual addicts fight a sincere daily battle against their compulsions, and desperately try to stop their behaviour and change their lives.

I had the opportunity to comment in the 1st of October 6:30pm SBS World News, preceding the Insight program. Those, who have seen the news may remember my comment "sex addiction must not be confused with moral failure, it is a serious but treatable disorder of the brain, and if left untreated, has the power to spiral out of control and destroy relationships and families. Sex addiction can lead to loss of employment and business, loss of self-esteem and self-respect, social isolation, depression, and in rare cases to suicide.

I sincerely hope that addicts and their spouses, who suffer the impacts of sexual addiction, come forward and seek skilled professional treatment. Sex addiction is a fully treatable disorder.

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